Take the Interfaith Earth Pledge!

Join Us

Nature lovers, animal lovers, climate change activists, bird watchers, tree-huggers, beekeepers, flower growers, veggie lovers, organic farmers, seed bank lovers, gardening enthusiasts, permaculturists, biogas fuel advocates, butterfly lovers, ocean lovers, Earth lovers, holistic living lovers, interfaith work lovers, please come join us on our march to a better world!

A world of peace and harmony, a world in which the Divine in every living creature is honored as sacred, a world of interdependence and interconnectedness, of caring and sharing, of learning and growing, of helping and being helped, of fulfilling our divine destiny in a spirit of universal brother-sisterhood!

The Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition invites you to join us on this journey of discovery and learning, of sharing your thoughts, ideas, and expertise to make this world a better place for future generations. We are an interfaith coalition of over a dozen different faith and conscience groups, with representatives from the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, First Nation, Gaian, Hare Krishna, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, and Pagan communities, who have come together to address the ecological crises besetting our world, especially Louisiana. 

Please consider getting involved if you support environmental justice and oppose environmental racism, if you believe in creation care and taking action on the climate crisis.

The best way to “plug in” to our activities is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Blazing Green Flame, which will deliver regular updates of meetings and relevant news items. (A more frequent mailing with agendas and minutes and info on some meetings of other groups is also available.) We hope you will take an active role in one of our teams — or start your own!

Support Us

Our organization collects no dues, but we welcome donations to support our work.

Note: All donations are handled through PayPal at this time.


The Blazing Green Flame is the official newsletter of the GNOICC. Even if you aren’t ready to join the coalition, you can still sign up for the newsletter, The Blazing Green Flame, and get local eco-news in your inbox.