Three members of our steering committee wrote letters to The Advocate in response to the newspaper’s editorial, “Welcome new investment in Louisiana’s petrochemical industry” (published Dec 22, 2020). The newspaper did not publish any of the letters, but you can
New Orleans Advocate Editorial Dec 22, 2020
The Advocate has published an editorial under the headline: Welcome new investment in Louisiana’s petrochemical industry. This editorial supports the Mitsubishi Plant in Ascension Parish and the Exxon plant in Baton Rouge. Citing only financial reasons, they tout the increase
New Orleans Environmental Activists Cleared
Two New Orleans area environmental activists associated with the Louisiana Bucket Brigade were cleared of all charges by the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s office a year after the event. Anne Rolfes and Kate McIntosh, in December 2019 after
Against Mitsubishi Chemical Plant

Pastor Manning, chair of the Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition gave a press conference December 15th at Broadmoor Community Church, where he defended those with little or no voice in matters that impact them. Mitsubishi Chemical Company wants to