Shintech is adding $1.3 Biklklion to expand their plants in Iberville and West Baton Rouge.
The U.S. subsidiary of the world’s largest producer of polyvinyl chloride resins, or PVC, said nearly all the expansion, about $1.25 billion, will be used to increase manufacturing capacity at its Plaquemine site, which produces PVC, chlor alkali and vinyl chloride monomer. The remaining $500 million is for expansion of the company’s PVC packaging warehouse operation in Addis.
Shintech has already spent $1.3 Billion for a new chlor alkali, vinyl chloride and ethane cracker manufacturing facility which started in 2018 and shjould be finished this year.
PVC is used in the construction industry but also other sectors such as health care, manufacturing electronics and vehicles. Low interest rates have spurred a new housing construction surge that has increased demand and prices for raw materials from lumber to plastics such as PVC piping.
The new construction is slated to add 30 new jobs with an average salary of $86,000. There will be a couple thousand construction jobs for the duration of the construction. the plant will produce up to 380,000 tons of PVC.
“Shintech continues to invest in and increase its manufacturing presence in the North American market,” said Danny Cedotal, vice president of manufacturing for Shintech who oversees PVC production.
Shintech and the State are working on various programs to benefit each other.