6 reasons we lose ground
Underground Carbon Storage
How sucking carbon out of the process and storing deep underground may be a reality in Louisiana
Maybe Oyster Loss can be mitigated
More freshwater bad for Barataria oysters, but LSU study identifies a workaround
Biden’s War on Oil is hurting the State – or is it?
The philosopher George Santayana wrote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
States and Tribes can Block Intrusions to Waterways
Environmental Protection Agency is restoring a rule that grants states and Native American tribes authority to block pipelines and other energy projects that can pollute rivers, streams and other waterways.
East Coast AG’s told to Butt Out – Plastic is our Business!
East Coast AG’s file a letter against Formosa
ExxonMobil Revolt! Go for it!
2 activists on Exxon-Mobil Board
Fishing in our Lakes can be Dangerous
Don’t fish in our lakes – Mercury
Low Flying Helos to Follow the Mississippi
Helos to map aquifers
Do Voters Care about Climate Change?
We keep electing legislators and congressmen who don’t share our concerns.