The 5th National Climate Assessment report is here. Let’s call it NCA5 for short.
See for yourself, or read on for our summary.
NCA5 is the fifth in a series of reports issued by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) that assess the science of climate change and its impacts on the United States. The report was released in November 2023 and includes chapters on physical science, climate trends, health, ecosystems and services, agriculture, water, coastal effects, oceans and marine resources, transportation, energy, and built environment and infrastructure.
The NCA5 found that the human influence on the climate system is now extremely likely (greater than 95% probability) and has been detected in every major component of the climate system. The report also found that climate change is already having a significant impact on the United States, and these impacts are expected to become more severe in the future.
The NCA5 paid particular attention to the state of Louisiana, noting that the state is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to its low-lying coastal location and its reliance on natural resources. The report found that Louisiana is already experiencing a number of climate-related impacts, including rising sea levels, more frequent and intense storms, and extreme heat. These impacts are expected to become more severe in the future, and they could have a devastating impact on the state’s economy, infrastructure, and public health.
The NCA5 also found that Louisiana is taking steps to adapt to climate change, but that more needs to be done. The report made a number of recommendations for how Louisiana can better prepare for the impacts of climate change, including investing in coastal protection, improving infrastructure, and developing more sustainable water resources.
See also coverage from The Times-Picayune|Advocate:
New climate assessment details litany of threats closing in on Louisiana