I would like to wish each of you a very happy new year! For many, January 1st did not begin happily as we first heard the news of the terror attack upon our dear city. Although our happiness, along with our peace, was threatened and stolen on that dark morning, especially the family and friends of the deceased, we must reclaim our happiness. However, maybe it’s not happiness that we need to reclaim… Maybe it’s “Joy”. Joy, to me it’s a deeper more heartfelt emotion that cannot easily be stolen. Joy comes from a much deeper spiritual place that is rooted in faith and hopefulness that things can be and even are much better than they seem. In my faith tradition, we think of Joy often is connected to the Christmas season. And now, Christmas has come and gone, but it is my prayer that Joy will cling to you for this entire year. The kind of joy that comes from knowing that you are loved and a part of a community that desires to protect and care for you throughout the journey that we are all on in humanity. May we seek each day to bring joy into the lives of each person that we meet along the way in this journey we call life. May God bless each and every one of you and please know that I am so honored and delighted and filled with joy that I can do life with you. -Pastor Gregory Manning
A New Years Message From Pastor Gregory Manning: