George D. Bond, II is one of the founding members of the Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition. Today, we salute George as he departs New Orleans.

During his time here, George was a parishioner at St. George’s Episcopal Church. He was also a regular participant in GNOICC’s Mission Team. But anyone who’s visited this website knows he was a devoted, faithful, indefatigable blogger. Some might even call him relentless. Starting in late December 2020, with a protest Against Mitsubishi Chemical Plant, George found his rhythm and published no fewer than 1,657 articles over the next two and a half years.
Wow! That’s a lot. In fact it’s an average of 1.7 articles per day. What makes it really impressive is that he kept this pace going for so long, on a strictly volunteer basis.
You can find all of George’s posts in the archives. As you’ll see, George mainly posted links to media coverage of stories with an important environmental impact for our local area, inserting his own commentary. His commitment to environmental justice and ecological wisdom is clear and unwavering.
Obviously, George leaves big shoes to fill. Who are we kidding? We’re not going to fill his shoes. Our coalition will be training others to post here as needed. We won’t have the same level of coverage that George provided, but we’ll do our best.
In the meantime, George, we wish you well in your future endeavors. We know you’ll bring your steadfast values to your new home. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to work with you. Go with Gaia.