Below, please find a historical listing of some founding participants from the earliest days of our coalition. Please see also information about the General Assembly and Board of Directors.

Gregory Manning

Broadmoor Community Church. Chair and Founder of GNOICC.

The reality is that our religious doctrinal differences create a seemingly unbridgeable divide. However, I founded the GNOICC to ground faith leaders in a common understanding that we are God’s precious creation that has been appointed to a divine privilege to be caretakers of the Earth and one another for the short time we occupy this land. I further believe that that environmental racism is a sin which can only be cured by the practice of confession, repentance and forgiveness. Finally, it is the responsibility of this present generation to leave the next a better planet then we found it when we were born.

Syed Adeel Ahmed

Islamic Leader Kenner Mosque and Youth Center

I joined GNOICC to show the true face of Islam that is not portrayed in the media. Islam is all about peace, justice, respect for elders and kindness towards the younger ones. There is no room for hatred, discrimination, racism in Islam. My aim is to share the common ground of goodness among all the religions to make this world a more just and a more humane society.

The Rev. Jay Angerer

Rector, All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Chair, GNOICC Policy Committee.

It all started for me with planting trees. That led to education about why I was planting trees, which led to how did all these trees die…which led to, because very few were involved. GNOICC is getting involved.

George D. Bond, II

St. George’s Episcopal Church

I hope to set up the Louisiana affiliate of the Interfaith Power and Light organization. I joined GNOICC as there are like minded individuals. I fully believe that the effects of Climate Change affect and effect many of the problems we have today.

Rev. Joseph (Joey) Clavijo

Parochial deacon at St. George’s Episcopal Church in New Orleans, Chair of The Bishop’s Environmental Commission for the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana.

I was drawn into the GNOICC by the grace of God – at the invitation of Pastor Gregory T. Manning. I’m pretty sure it was one of those Holy accidents. I sense we were drawn together, each from our diverse faith backgrounds to respond to the disconnect which has evolved between the Creator and the natural world at the hands of humanity and to be witnesses to the restoration and right relationship between our Creator, the natural world (the earth) and each other.

Theresa Dardar

Indigenous Elder, President Lowlander Center

Peter Digre

Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Secretary of GNOICC.

Like Elijah, while hiding in a cave, we hear a still, small voice which beckons us to come out of hiding and confront the ravages of idolatrous exploitation of people and the earth.

Bart Everson

Organizer for New Orleans Lamplight Circle, convener of Crescent City Gaian Guild, member of New Orleans Secular Humanist Association.

I’m deeply concerned about our culture’s seeming inability, or unwillingness, to live within the limits of Gaia. If we’re too have any future at all, we must change course. Individual virtue is not enough; collective action is required.

Jana Fogleman

Academy of the Sacred Heart

Myron Katz

Chabad of New Orleans

Bette Kussmann

I am heartsick about the state of the environment. My friend,Jana, invited me to join GNOICC. It is a joy to be with like-minded people who stand up for our ailing earth.

St Joseph’s Catholic Church (Tulane Avenue)

Jonathan Leo

I am a lawyer who has been an environmental prosecutor, corporate counsel, consultant, international non-profit leader, and grassroots activist for over 40 years, working in California, Nebraska, Russia, and Israel. I regard environmental justice (and, in particular, climate justice) work as the most important and urgent social work there is. When I came to Baton Rouge, I wanted to find environmental and climate justice colleagues with deep roots in southern Louisiana communities with whom I can work to institutionalize the priority of public health, safety, and security above corporate tax breaks and business incentives.

Ann Maier

Saint Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church

The invitation to help with Youth Engagement for Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition allows me to pass on what I have learned. Involvement in Creation Care and environmental projects has always been part of my life. Hands-on participation through faith-based involvement and community projects helped form my sense of self and my place in the world. Understanding the importance of our individual actions and the power of working together makes a difference in the lives of young people. 

Parviz Mojgani

Bahá’í Community

My personal belief about the sacredness of nature and environment, aligns well with the GNOICC Mission Statement. I believe that I can contribute in a meaningful way in accomplishing some of the GNOICC’s initiatives.

Kristina Peterson

Director, Lowlander Center

The GNOICC is the opportunity to witness to our faith and consciousness that all is sacred and bound in the web of life.  Together as we share and understand from each other we are stirred by the Spirit to a deeper understanding, respect that manifests in action to protect, celebrate and rejuvenate that which is created to sustain the universe and all that dwell within.

David Shepard

Climate Committee Chair, Touro Synagogue

Dr. Lakshmi Sridevi

Hare Krishna movement [International Society for Krishna Consciousness]

I love Mother Earth and all her creatures-the trees, birds, fish, bees, butterflies,et al reflect Krishna’s Love. I am very passionate about living in harmony with all creation because I am deeply concerned about the quality of life of the future generations if we ignore the environmental crisis on hand. I am highly motivated to work with like-minded people of all persuasions, no matter what their background, and I love the opportunity for us to unite and come together to make a difference!

Robert Desmarais Sullivan

First Unitarian Church

Pollution and climate change are moral issues more serious than any other at this point in human history. Physical and cultural survival are at stake. Acting together, we can educate the world.