Elevation of up to 1,000 southwest Louisiana homes moving ahead with new agreement
More houses to be raised

Elevation of up to 1,000 southwest Louisiana homes moving ahead with new agreement
Corps launches major Mississippi River study, including use of Bonnet Carre Spillway
Controversial Pearl River flood project among plans discussed during Corps meeting in Slidell
Federal appeals court blocks challenge to Corps’ operation of Bonnet Carre Spillway
Coastal Mississippi governments, business interests sued corps in 2019
Despite delays, Corps, DOTD feel ‘sense of urgency’ on Baton Rouge’s biggest flood project
Pumps in key New Orleans flood protection system corroded in 5 years. They were meant to last 35.
Plans in place to finish repairs ahead of hurricane season
Rising river expected to trigger levee checks, work bans
Congress pledged to pay for MRGO damage. But the money remains years away