Water distributions started Nov. 2 and continue until further notice
Salt water in the Mississippi our drinking water source
Intrusion of saltwater threatens drinking water supplies
Chlorine leak being investigated by State Police
DEQ, State Police investigate inaccurate reporting of April chlorine leak that cut short shelter in place order
The fish stinks, the water stinks
Fish processor in Empire has a history of complaints about foul-smelling waste
Less water through the Mid-Breton Diversion
Fishers, oyster growers fear land-building initiative will harm their livelihoods
Grand Isle slowly returns to life
Local officials estimate 60% of full-time residents have returned, waiting on FEMA trailers
Land ridge near Venice
$100 million project will use enough sand to fill 2½ Superdomes
Ida did not help the fruit industry
Two hurricanes in 10 months show how warming atmosphere threatens agriculture, livelihoods
Ida hit Ironton cemetery scattering caskets
Ironton cemetery destroyed by Ida
South Plaquemines Parish remains an island
Some stayed for Category 4 storm; others return to find mold growing in homes