Got a minute? Watch these brief presentations to get educated on critical issues facing our community today.

  • Net Zero Is Not Zero, Part 1: (13 minutes) “How the City Council Advisors’ Clean and Renewable Portfolio Standard Can Sustain Fossil Fuel Usage” by Logan Burke, Director, Alliance for Affordable Energy. (This presentation contains timely information relevant throughout the spring of 2021, perhaps longer.)
  • Net Zero Is Not Zero, Part 2: (15 minutes) “The Petrochemical Industries Fight to Avoid a Commitment to a 100% Renewable Energy Future in the Governor’s Climate Initiatives Task Force” by Jane Patton, Founder, NoWasteLA. (This presentation contains timely information which should remain relevant through summer 2021.)
  • Net Zero Is Not Zero, Part 3: (10 minutes) “How EPA and LA DEQ and LA Health Ignore Evidence of Chemical and Particulate Pollution which is Killing and Harming Community Residents” by Vickie Boothe, CDC/EPA Scientist Retired. (The information in this presentation is not time-sensitive and will remain relevant for the foreseeable future.)

You can find a full listing of our educational resources under the Education tab of our website.

“Net Zero Is Not Zero” Presentations Now Available