Image by scottscaggs from Pixabay

For its residents, Louisiana’s natural beauty stands alone. Its bald cypress swamps and marshes supply a rich landscape throughout the state’s southern third, stretching from Baton Rouge to where land kisses the Gulf of Mexico. Amid increased efforts to tackle global warming and rising seas, The Times-Picayune and The Advocate are launching The Catch Basin, a weekly newsletter to keep readers informed on stories of successes and challenges in the environmental realm. We break down the issues affecting Louisiana’s environment, such as solutions for a rapidly eroding coastline, the tension between an industrial economy and local health and how water shapes our region. We aim to highlight the stories of the people struggling with these issues and searching for solutions, from fishers and offshore oil workers to fenceline and coastal communities. The newsletter will be written by our environment team, three of the few journalists dedicated solely to covering issues affecting Louisiana’s land, air and water.

The three reporters will be:

They can be reached on Facebook and Twitter. For me it will be the newsletter!

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