In the government’s initial moves to allocate the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, it gave home and community solar a boost but dodged a decision on creating a national green bank.
Track the BP illness
Earth Island Institute, Healthy Gulf and other groups say the Deepwater Horizon disaster led to many long-term health problems.
They helped and now medical forms are not helping them
The 2012 settlement did not cover conditions that manifested after the date of the deal.
Why are tornadoes deadlier in the Southeast
Tornadoes are deadlier in the Southeast, and NOAA wants to know why
Hydrogen is gold here
Louisiana is seeing economic gold at the end of the hydrogen rainbow
Commercial fishing and Diversion are at odds
Commercial fishers rail against Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion plan at hearing
Sen. Cassidy to refile for more offshore cash
Bill Cassidy to refile bill for more offshore cash
LNG terminals pollute the air
Residents around existing LNG facilities in Louisiana already notice the smell and irritants from nearby terminals. With more under construction, air quality is poised to worsen
Utilities use our money to pay lobbyists to work against us
A report outlines a strategy to rein in corruption and carbon emissions from utilities.
Supreme Court and wetlands are not a match
Supreme Court ruling could roll back wetlands protections in much of Mississippi basin