Our coalition signed onto a letter. It was addressed to the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, but President Biden was copied. I think “Dear President Biden” sound more dramatic, don’t you? The issues at stake are certainly matters of high drama.

The letter can be summed up as follows:

Thanks for pausing new licenses on the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) but more is needed. Please update the criteria government uses for such applications in the future. Maybe factor in some environmental justice next time.

Basically, we want the government to take a look at the true cost of LNG exports, and deny any projects that aren’t in the public interest. Unfortunately, in the past, this hasn’t been the case. Our communities are suffering from environmental injustice, because private interests have prevailed over the common good.

You can read more about the letter on the Sierra Club’s website, or just go ahead and read the letter yourself.

Dear President Biden
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