The Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition takes an active role in engaging and educating faith leaders, communities, and public leaders about our moral, ethical and spiritual responsibility to establish climate justice and promote care for the earth to ensure a healthy world for all. Our platform outlines critical actions which are necessary in pursuit of that mission.
- Federal
- Protect EPA including EJ grants, NOAA, wind leases, growth in renewables, hurricane assessments and more
- Fully implement the IRA but eliminate CCS incentives
- Gain Historic Preservation area status for River Parish corridor in collaboration with Banners
- Full funding for Medicaid
- 60% of children rely on Medicaid and CHIP
- Insurance for 20 million low-income adults and families
- 50% is for Skilled Nursing Care and in home care for the frail elderly and severely disabled
- Full funding for SNAP and WIC supplemental food for low- and moderate-income households and children
- Full funding for Social Security and Medicaid
- State
- Fenceline monitoring legislation mirroring SCR 30
- Legislative Study Group on water safety
- Salt intrusion
- Brown water communities
- Aquifers
- Lead pipes leaching
- Abandoned wells capped
- Work with TLA to stop all four Constitutional Amendments. TLA assessment:
- Special “Business” Magistrates possible bias
- Lower taxes for wealthy
- Juveniles as young as 14 to adult criminal justice for more crimes
- Judges elected at next available election (too many elections where few vote)
- Pollution tax based on pipeline throughputs or emissions with revenue targeted for fire safety and first responders, training, safety gear. Preparation and equipment
- Legislative Study Group on cost/benefit analysis of utilities; AAE Legislative Auditor and the PSC, PSC Authority and performance, Climate Reality
- City
- Protect Home Rule including Utility management. Work with AAE to build City capacity to directly manage utilities with less reliance on external advisors and to build community awareness of City’s responsibilities.
- 100% renewable energy implementation for City services
- 100% implementation of RCPS documented by IRPs
GNOICC General Assembly Adopted Public Policy Platform for 2025