Oysters in Mississippi Sound at risk from Louisiana diversion plan, study says
More oysters at risk

Oysters in Mississippi Sound at risk from Louisiana diversion plan, study says
Port Sulphur resident dumped the oysters when wildlife agents approached
Sediment diversion will revive marsh but smother oysters and push shrimp into deeper water
Three sacks of contaminated oysters were found in the suspects’ boat
Hurricane Ida damaged oyster beds, and the boats, docks and homes of oyster growers
Oyster reef-building program undergoes revival as restaurants emerge from pandemic slump
More freshwater bad for Barataria oysters, but LSU study identifies a workaround
I have posted two articles on oysters. The first noted deaths in the oyster population. The second noted a ban being placed on oyster harvesting. Based on these articles I made some generalized comments. I have received comments, greatly appreciated
In an earlier post it was noted that the oyster bays in Plaquemines Parish had two area with die offs. Today the State Wildlife and Fisheries Commission have closed off oyster harvests in that area. To increase the number of