Standing on the raised deck of a neighbor’s camp, Brenda Fanguy looked out over Grand Isle’s levee at a newly constructed beach 20 times wider than what was there last year.
“It’s amazing,” Fanguy yelled, shouting down from her perch.
The storm surge from Tropical Storm Cristobal and Hurricane Zeta damaged 1600 feet of the 13 foot tall “burrito” levees guarding Grand Isle. The levee has been replaced and a 200 foot beach has been constructed in front of it to also defend from storm surge. Areas of Grand Isle with a deep beach did not suffer the same storm surge damage.
760,000 cubic yards of sand dredged from the Gulf bottom were used in this $7.5 Million project nearing completion.
“It’s time to stop studying,” Camardelle said, especially when it comes to adding more breakwater rocks along the rest of the shoreline. The Corps is considering that request, along with proposals to elevate the levee, add more sand to the western end and perhaps even to build a seawall.
“As long as there’s a grain of sand to place the American flag on Grand Isle,” Camardelle said, “we’re going to keep saving it.”