Air Pollution
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Rep Scalise wrote an op ed on oil and the misname of Cancer Alley which Bob Marshall disagreed with. Now the Advocate has entered the fray with an editorial that says we do indeed have a problem.

Biden said “environmental justice” will take center stage as his administration works to improve the health and well-being of communities of color, especially “the hard-hit areas like Cancer Alley in Louisiana or the Route 9 corridor in the state of Delaware.” Does Louisiana have a “cancer alley” problem? Absolutely, but it goes way beyond industrial development. It is rooted in poverty and bad habits and lack of access to health care, as well as the obvious contribution of a century of industrial development and its accompanying pollution.

The Advocate, as noted, looks at the Cancer Alley designation as one with multiple causes; which is true. Still if a more specialized study of the areas were done, and LSU has said they will, then the medical need might be established.

Advocate Opinion – Clean up Cancer Alley
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