33K acres of East Ascension swamp, marsh tagged for major growth limits to reduce flood risk
Great hopes then a fire
Questions raised after Ascension Parish major drainage pumps catch fire
Why is the sky red? Pollution!
Why is the sky red like ‘a sunset’ in the early afternoon? Residents blame chronic dust from plant
Ascension Parish to keep wetlands away from builders
Ascension Council approves plan aimed at keeping wetlands from the bulldozer’s blade
Work on Bluff Swamp goes back to floods in 1983
Next year is the 40th anniversary of the ’83 flood. Some plans from then still aren’t finished.
Ascension Parish to be first Carbon Capture Site
Ascension Parish steps up for carbon capture
Is Industry Going Green?
Fertilizer has a cleaner way to be made.
Mitsubishi buys Land for Plant
Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., a subsidiary of Japanese automaker Mitsubishi Motors, filed paperwork with the state economic development agency for its proposed $1 billion methyl methacrylate plant in Ascension Parish. In December, Mitsubishi Chemical subsidiary MCC Methacrylates Americas Inc. acquired a
Three Letters
Three members of our steering committee wrote letters to The Advocate in response to the newspaper’s editorial, “Welcome new investment in Louisiana’s petrochemical industry” (published Dec 22, 2020). The newspaper did not publish any of the letters, but you can
Against Mitsubishi Chemical Plant
Pastor Manning, chair of the Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition gave a press conference December 15th at Broadmoor Community Church, where he defended those with little or no voice in matters that impact them. Mitsubishi Chemical Company wants to