Judge rules against Livingston Parish moratorium on Air Products carbon capture project
Carbon capture near Grand Isle?
Carbon capture hub could be coming to Gulf of Mexico near Grand Isle; see who’s involved
Test wells for Lake Maurepas
Lake Maurepas carbon capture project faces backlash over test wells: ‘Give us a break’
The company wants Carbon Capture but not all buy in
How a company is trying to ease fears about carbon capture — and why not everyone’s persuaded
Educate the public
Educate public about safety, importance of carbon storage
Lake Charles carbon capture moves forward
Lake Charles carbon capture group partners with Swiss firm for carbon dioxide removal
Crabbers leave Lake Maurepas
Crabbers pull traps from Lake Maurepas ahead of carbon capture project: ‘I’m holding out’
Fear of carbon capture based on history
How a history of environmental disasters drives Livingston’s fear of carbon capture
Carbon capture helps Big oil
The climate bill includes subsidies for projects that are unproven and often promote more fossil fuel extraction
Carbon Capture not loved by all
Carbon capture faces ferocious pushback in parts of Louisiana: ‘Help us stop this, man’